Sunday, December 30, 2012

Review: Clinique 3-Step Acne Solution System

Hi everyone!! It has been far to long but don't worry! We haven't abandoned the blog. So as promised I have a review for Clinique's 3-Step Acne Solution System. I began using this seeing it was working for someone I know. The first step is a cleansing foam. Its really nice, it doesn't burn like other systems I have tried. It a light scent in my opnion. The second step is a clarifying lotion. Don't let the name fool you though it is actually very liquidy and clear. This can sting a little if you have recently picked at the acne you have (I'm guilty of doing this). The last step is a clearing moisturizer which doesn't burn at all and doesn't have a strong scent either. This system has worked very well for me and I would highly recommend it. I'm sorry to say that I don't remember the price of this item and feel bad to those of you who wanted to know.
BONUS!!! I've decided to add something to this post that also helps with acne/redness. It is Clinique's Redness Reduction Powder.
The powder is yellow instead of skin colored because it balances out the redness better. It even comes with a little brush and an area to store the brush.
Well thats all for this post but I will be posting more very soon!! ♥,Nicki

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